DANZANKÓ es un colectivo de danza en zancos. Fue fundado en 2020 por Esther Geyer
(DE/ES), Clara Gracia (ES) y Anna Vilhelmiina Peltola (FIN). Las tres bailarinas y performers
llevan más de 10 años trabajando en el ámbito de la danza contemporánea, el teatro de
calle y site-specific, tanto con zancos como sin ellos.
Comparten su pasión por bailar en zancos y el objetivo de acercar la danza a un
público más amplio. DANZANKÓ actúa en espacios públicos y busca una conexión emocional directa entre intérprete y espectador.
En 2021 las tres bailarinas recibieron individualmente la beca DIS-TANZ-SOLO del programa NEUSTART KULTUR, dentro de DIS-TANZEN del Dachverband Tanz Deutschland, para su investigación sobre el desarrollo de un método de bailar en zancos.
Su primera pieza DisTouched se estrenó en verano de 2022 en Artspace Bremerhaven y ha pasado desde entonces, entre otros, por los festivales internacionales de teatro Sommerwerft en Fráncfort, Kulturufer Friedrichshafen y Micro!Festival en Dortmund.
En 2023 recibieron una subvención de reestreno del Fonds Darstellende Künste dentro del programa NEUSTART KULTUR.
En el mismo año pudieron profundizar la investigación y el desarrollo de su método, gracias a la recepción nuevamente de la beca DIS-TANZ-SOLO.

Clara is a Spanish actress, performer and dancer. She successfully completed her studies at the State School of Drama Institut del Teatre in Barcelona in 2010. She has been involved in various dance-theater projects led by artists such as Takahashi, Meredith Nadler, Ingo Reulecke, Alexandra Rauh, Stella Zannou, Valentina Bordenave and Heike Scharpff. In 2012 she founded the Kazibaze Theater collective together with Marina Rodríguez, with which she developed various family theater pieces. Since 2015 she has also been a member of the international theater groups Grotest Maru and Theater Anu.

Esther is a freelance actress, dancer, performer and moderator. She completed her acting studies (MA) at the State School of Drama in Seville and the Royal Conservatory of Brussels. She works both in German-speaking and international contexts and has participated in numerous theater productions and dance-theater projects led by artists such as Lionel Ménard, Heike Scharpff, Sybille Günther, Juan Carlos Malpelli, Daniel Koch. From 2019 to 2021 she was a lecturer at the Anton-Bruckner University in Linz for the subject of movement technique and body language. Since 2018 she has been a member of the international theater ensemble Grotest Maru.

Anna is a Finnish dancer and performer. She completed her stage dance training – with a focus on modern and contemporary dance – in 2013 at DANCEWORKS berlin under the direction of Carol Ellys. In 2015, she continued her education with the MASA Dance Journey program of the Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company in Israel and worked with artists such as Eyal Dadon, Noa Zuk, Oded Graf, Sharon Vaisvaser and Rina Schenfeld. At present, her focus is on physical and site-specific theater as well as stilt performance and she works throughout Germany and Europe with Grotest Maru, Pantao, Dulce Compania, as well as with choreographer/ videographer Eric Dunlap.